Posted by on Jun 5, 2018 in Alumni, Student News |

On March 23rd, current and new chemistry majors and minors took part in a “Chemistry Major Day Celebration.” The celebration featured a talk from alumnus Mike Lynch ’13 who talked about the research he is conducting while completing his PhD in the Department of Chemistry at Cornell University. Mike investigates the cross-linking reaction that takes place in the Treponema denticola hook protein FlgE.

It was really amazing to be able to have the professors, current chemistry majors and minors, and alumni all in one room. Specifically, it was great to hear about some of the many ways chemistry can prepare you for your future career. For Mike Lynch ’13, it has involved graduate level work and a future PhD. For fellow alum Christian Kelly ’17, his degree has led to work as a Legislative Aid in the MA State Senate. For Sunaro Ngourn ’12, his degree has led to a Research Engineer position at Lockheed Martin working on energy technology and a MS program in Chemical Engineering at Northeastern University. All three have taken very different routes but it is their knowledge and skills in chemistry that set them up for success!

Mike’s research talk was preceded by a game of “Guess the Chemistry Major” – we’re proud of Pope Francis, Angela Merkel, Dolph Lundgren, John Kuhn and many more for being chemistry majors!