The Chemistry and Physics Department offers an American Chemical Society accreditated major in chemistry with optional concentrations in biochemistry or forensics. Each program prepares the student for immediate job entry or for graduate and professional (medical) study. The opportunities in chemistry are many and varied. Recent chemistry graduates are in medicine, law, college and secondary education, ecology, biotechnology, and industrial research.
The Chemistry and Physics Department frequently uses synthesis techniques, chemical instrumentation, and computer technology in the classroom and the laboratory to elucidate chemical concepts. There are opportunities for students to do research with members of the department.
Chemistry Major Required Courses
B.S. in Chemistry
CHEM1101 Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM1102 Principles of Chemistry II
CHEM2101 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM2102 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM2104 Analytical Chemistry
CHEM3105 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM3106 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM3160 Social Justice Chemistry Seminar
CHEM 4194 Internship in Chemistry
MATH1111 Calculus I
MATH1112 Calculus II
PHYS2201 General Physics I (Calculus based)
PHYS2202 General Physics II (Calculus based)
Three electives chosen from:CHEM 2111 – Biochemistry, CHEM 2114 – Chemistry of Fire and Explosives, CHEM 2115 – Inorganic Chemistry, CHEM 3108 – Instrumental Methods of Analysis, CHEM 3115 – Introduction to Toxicology, CHEM 3121 – Molecular Modeling, CHEM 3123 – Research Methods in Synthesis
B.S. in Chemistry – ACS Accredited
CHEM1101 Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM1102 Principles of Chemistry II
BIOL1105 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology
CHEM2101 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM2102 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM2104 Analytical Chemistry
CHEM2111 Biochemistry
CHEM2115 Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM3105 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM3106 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM3160 Social Justice Chemistry Seminar
CHEM4194 Internship in Chemistry
MATH1111 Calculus I
MATH1112 Calculus II
PHYS2201 General Physics I (Calculus based)
PHYS2202 General Physics II (Calculus based)
Two electives chosen from: CHEM 2114 – Chemistry of Fire and Explosives, CHEM 3108 – Instrumental Methods of Analysis, CHEM 3115 – Introduction to Toxicology, CHEM 3121 – Molecular Modeling, CHEM 3123 – Research Methods in Synthesis
B.S. in Chemistry with
Concentration in Biochemistry
BIOL1105 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL1106 Introduction to Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
CHEM1101 Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM1102 Principles of Chemistry II
CHEM2101 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM2102 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM2104 Analytical Chemistry
CHEM2111 Biochemistry
CHEM3105 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM3106 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM3160 Social Justice Chemistry Seminar
CHEM 4194 Internship in Chemistry
MATH1111 Calculus I
MATH1112 Calculus II
PHYS2201 General Physics I (Calculus based)
PHYS2202 General Physics II (Calculus based)
Two chemistry/physics electives and one biology elective
B.S. in Chemistry – ACS with
Concentration in Biochemistry
BIOL1105 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL1106 Introduction to Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
CHEM1101 Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM1102 Principles of Chemistry II
CHEM2101 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM2102 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM2104 Analytical Chemistry
CHEM2111 Biochemistry
CHEM2115 Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM3105 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM3106 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM3160 Social Justice Chemistry Seminar
CHEM4194 Internship in Chemistry
MATH1111 Calculus I
MATH1112 Calculus II
PHYS2201 General Physics I (Calculus based)
PHYS2202 General Physics II (Calculus based)
One chemistry elective and one biology elective
B.S. in Chemistry with
Concentration in Forensic Science
CHEM1101 Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM1102 Principles of Chemistry II
CHEM1117 Forensic Chemistry
CHEM2101 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM2102 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM2104 Analytical Chemistry
CHEM2114 Chemistry of Fire and Explosives
CHEM3105 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM3106 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM3108 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
CHEM3115 Introduction to Toxicology
CHEM3160 Social Justice Chemistry Seminar
CHEM 4194 Internship in Chemistry
Additional Major Courses:
MATH1111 Calculus I
MATH1112 Calculus II
PHYS 2201 General Physics I (Calculus-based)
PHYS 2202 General Physics I (Calculus-based)
B.S. in Chemistry – ACS with
Concentration in Forensic Science
CHEM1101 Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM1102 Principles of Chemistry II
CHEM1117 Forensic Chemistry
CHEM2101 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM2102 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM2104 Analytical Chemistry
CHEM2111 Biochemistry
CHEM2114 Chemistry of Fire and Explosives
CHEM2115 Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM3105 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM3106 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM3108 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
CHEM3115 Introduction to Toxicology
CHEM4160 Senior Seminar
CHEM3160 Social Justice Chemistry Seminar
CHEM 4194 Internship in Chemistry
Additional Major Courses:
MATH1111 Calculus I
MATH1112 Calculus II
PHYS 2201 General Physics I (Calculus-based)
PHYS 2202 General Physics I (Calculus-based)
Minor in Chemistry
CHEM1101 Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM1102 Principles of Chemistry II
Four additional chemistry courses 2000 or 3000 level, except CHEM 4178, CHEM 4194-4195
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